
Important Information Regarding
Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Any person who is travelling who has a pre-existing medical condition or has taken prescribed medication within the last 2 years must contact the Medical Screening number below to declare their condition otherwise there is no cover for that pre-existing medical condition.

There is no cover available for persons travelling or a third party relative with a terminal prognosis or those awaiting results of tests or medical investigations.

There is no cover for medical expenses if the insured is travelling with the intention of obtaining medical treatment abroad, if the insured has been advised not to travel and if the insured is not taking recommended treatment or prescribed medication, as directed by a medical practitioner.

Tel :

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm

Demands & Needs
Policy Details
Price Summary
Policy Type:
Cover Level:
Issue Date:
Insurance Premium:
Insurance Premium:
Admin Handling Fee:
Text Message Price:  (Optional)

Total Price:

Insured Details

Your Details

Important Conditions Relating to Health


SMS - Instant text message of Your Policy details

A fee of €0.99 for SMS applies

Source of Enquiry



How we do business


Data Privacy Policy

This notice will inform you about our policies and procedures concerning the personal information about you that we collect, maintain and disclose, in connection with the insurance policies you obtain from us.

Information we may provide to others

We may disclose information about our applicants, customers and former customers, as permitted or required by law in conjunction with our normal insurance operations, such as:

  • in the processing of an insurance claim.
  • in connection with a legal proceeding.
  • with government agencies conducting examinations of our procedures.
  • internal database marketing.
Data Protection

We collect and maintain personal information about you in order to carry out our functions as a provider of insurance products. All personal information submitted is treated with the utmost confidentiality and with appropriate levels of security.

This information is used to manage the issuance of an insurance policy, including underwriting and claims handling, and may be stored as computer records and/or paper files to assist us to complete transactions, or follow up discrepancies, complaints or queries. Details may also be submitted to regulatory authorities and auditors. Unless otherwise instructed, we may use personal data for commercial purposes.

Personal Information Restrictions

Access to the information you submit is limited to those employees who have legitimate business needs for such information with respect to the insurance policies issued. We maintain physical, procedural and electronic safeguards to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your non-public personal information.

Internet Usage

Our websites do not contain any hidden codes or applications designed to obtain any kind of information about you from your computer, apart from what is required to establish a connection and transfer content between our website and your computer.

Our host servers do obtain information about the number of connections to it. This data may contain details such as your IP address, the kind of operating system you are using and the version of your internet browser. This information is used only for the purposes of analysing the traffic to the website. It does not contain any kind of data about you which may be classified as personal or private.

Our website uses ‘cookies’ to track visitor navigation. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer, which identify it to our website. Cookies do not contain viruses, and the cookies stored on your computer by the website do not contain any kind of personal, private or sensitive information. They are used simply to track navigation and remember data and preferences submitted by you. Cookies can be disabled on your browser, though this may hamper your ability to effectively obtain a quote and purchase a policy from our website.

Sensitive Data

Any sensitive data supplied by you in order to purchase an insurance policy, such as dates of birth or health details, will only be used for the purpose specified at the time of submitting this data.

We reserve the right to provide this information, when we are legally obliged, to official bodies such as the Police, the Courts, or other organisations investigating insurance fraud.

Call Monitoring

We may monitor and record telephone calls in order to improve our service to you and to prevent and detect fraud.


Total Price to Pay: €0.00

Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited trading as is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
We collect personal information in order to provide you with a quote, contract of insurance (where applicable) and for marketing purposes. Further details on this and how your data is processed can be found in our privacy policy.
View our Summary Remuneration document here.